<Str> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Str

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
<Str>StrThis is the <Str> object constructor.
int32AppendAppends the <Str> object with the value of another string.
int32AppendCharAppends a char onto the <Str> object.
int32CountOfCharReturns the number of occurrences in the <Str> object of the specified char.
int64FindFinds the first occurrence of a particular string inside a string.
uint64FindFirstFinds the first occurrence of the specified character sequence.
uint64FindLastFinds the last occurrence of the specified character sequence.
stringFormatParagraphFormats a string to fit inside the specified column width.
int32GetUint8ArrayPopulates a <Uint8Array> with the values of the individual chars in the <Str>.
<Uint8ArrayView>GetViewReturns a pointer to a <Uint8ArrayView> object with iterators to the beginning and end of the <Str> object. This object is allocated with new so you must declare with auto. For example: auto Uint8ArrayView view = my_str.GetView();
int32InReturns true if the specified sub-string is present in a string.
int32IsAllSpacesReturns true if the string only contains spaces.
int32IsBlankReturns true if the <Str> object is blank. This means it must not include any terminating sequence such as \0.
int32IsEmptySpaceReturns true if the string only contains spaces.
int32IsFloatLiteralReturns true if the <Str> object represents a single or double-precision floating-point literal.
int32IsIntLiteralReturns true if the <Str> object represents an <int32> or <uint32> literal.
static int32IsLowerReturns true if the specified char is lowercase.
static int32IsUpperReturns true if the specified char is uppercase.
stringLeftTrims the string from its start to the specified number of characters left of the start.
int32LengthReturns the length of the string in characters.
int32MakeLowercaseConverts all the characters in the specified <Str> object to lower case.
stringPrintFloat64Prints a <float64>.
stringReplaceReplaces one sequence of characters with another sequence of characters.
int32ReplaceCharsReplaces a set of chars in the <Str> object with the specified character. Internally, this uses std::find_first_of.
stringReplaceWordsReplaces the source string with the destination string.
int64ReverseFindFinds the first occurrence of a particular string inside a string, but starts the search at the end of the string instead of at the beginning.
stringRightTrims the string to include everything to the right of the specified start position.
int32SetLengthSets the length of the underlying array of characters.
stringSubstringReturns a string containing a section of the <Str>.
float64ToFloat32Converts a string to a <float32> value.
float64ToFloat64Converts a string to a <float64> value.
int32ToInt32Converts a string to an <int32> value.
static int32ToLowerReturns the ASCII character representing the lowercase version of an uppercase character from the English alphabet.
static int32ToUpperReturns the ASCII character representing the uppercase version of a lowercase character from the English alphabet.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
int32CountGets or sets the length of the <Str>.
int32[]Objects[ index ]Sets the value of an element in the array at the specified index, or returns the value of the element at the specified index. Accessor syntax is myStr.Objects[n].
stringValueReturns a string that contains the value of the <Str> object.