<StrList> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » List » StrList

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32AcquireCopies <Str> objects (and transfers ownership if necessary) from the source <StrList> object to this <StrList> object.
int32AddAdds a string to this <StrList>.
int32AddBlankAdds a blank string to this <StrList>.
int32AddIfUniqueAdds a string to this <StrList> if it is not already present.
int32AddObjAdds a <Str> object to the <StrList>. The <StrList> takes ownership of the <Str> object.
int32AddUniqueAdds a string to the <StrList> if an exact match is not already contained in the <StrList>.
int32ClearClears the <StrList>, deallocates any memory as needed, and resets its count to zero. Does not deallocate the <StrList> object.
int32CopyAppends the source <StrList> <Str> objects into this <StrList>.
int32CopyUniqueCopies all strings from the source to destination that are not already found in the destination.
int32FillFills the <StrList> with the specified number of items. Existing items will be overwritten, and new items will be created if needed.
int32FindReturns the index of the string in the <StrList> or -1 if the string cannot be found.
int32FindAllSearches the <StrList> for a string and populates an <Int32Array> with the indices of any matches.
int32FindNextFinds the next occurrence of a string in the <StrList>, using the specified index as the start of the search.
stringGetAtReturns the string at the specified index.
int32GetCountReturns the number of items in the <StrList>.
stringGetFirstReturns the value of the first string in the <StrList>, if applicable. Otherwise returns an empty string.
<Str>GetFirstObjReturns a pointer to the first <Str> object in the <StrList>, if applicable. Otherwise returns nullptr.
stringGetLastReturns a <Str> containing the value of the last item in the <StrList>.
<Str>GetLastObjReturns a pointer to the last <Str> object in the <StrList>, if applicable. Otherwise returns nullptr.
<Str>GetNextReturns the next string in the <StrList>, using the specified index value as the initial location, or a blank string if the next string does not exist.
<Str>GetObjAtReturns a pointer to a <Str> object owned by the <StrList>.
<Str>GetPreviousReturns the previous string in the <StrList>, using the specified index value as the initial location, or a blank string if the previous string does not exist.
int32InReturns true if a string is contained in this <StrList>. Otherwise returns false.
int32InsertInserts a string in the <StrList> at the specified index.
int32InsertAllInserts the <Str> objects from the source <StrList> into this <StrList>.
int32InsertObjInserts a <Str> object in the <StrList> at the specified index. The <StrList> takes ownership of the <Str> object.
<Str>LookAheadReturns a string subsequent to the specified index or a blank string if the queried string does not exist.
<Str>LookBackReturns a string prior to the specified index or a blank string if the queried string does not exist.
int32MakeIndexPopulates two Int32Arrays with the indices and counts of all items in the <StrList>.
int32NonewhereReturns true if the string is not in this <StrList>.
stringRemoveAtRemoves a string at the specified index.
stringRemoveFirstRemoves the first object from the <StrList>.
stringRemoveLastRemoves the last string from the <StrList>.
int32RemoveValueRemoves any strings that match the specified value from this <StrList>.
int32ReplaceReplaces the string at the specified index with the specified string.
int32SearchSearches the <StrList> for the specified string and returns the index of the first occurrence.
int32ShrinkShrinks the <StrList> to a subset of its previous set.
int32SortSorts the <StrList> in alphabetical order using std::list::sort.