<TerrainOptionsModifier> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node » Modifier » TerrainOptionsModifier

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
int32PreviewTextureHeightGets or sets the PreviewTextureHeight parameter. This parameter specifies the height in pixels of the preview texture.
int32PreviewTextureWidthGets or sets the PreviewTextureWidth parameter. This parameter specifies the width in pixels of the preview texture.
stringTextureFileGets or sets the TextureFile parameter.
stringTileTextureDirectoryGets or sets the TiledTextureDirectory parameter. This parameter specifies which folder contains geotiff texture data and text metadata used to generate texture imagery for the preview <Mesh> and terrain tiles.
int32TileTextureHeightGets or sets the TileTextureHeight parameter. This parameter specifies the height in pixels of the texture for the first level-of-detail.
int32TileTextureWidthGets or sets the TileTextureWidth parameter. This parameter specifies the width in pixels of the texture for the first level-of-detail.
int32UseTextureFileGets or sets the UseTextureFile parameter. This parameter specifies whether or not a texture is generated for the preview <Mesh> ( and output terrain tiles ).