<UniformBufferNode> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node » Group » UniformBufferNode

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32BindBinds the <UniformBufferNode> to the specified rendering device information object at the specified index. Before binding, you must activate the uniform buffer on the rendering device by calling the <UniformBufferNode>::Select data interface.
stringGetDeclarationStringReturns the <UniformBufferNode> object's declaration string. For example 'uniform MyUniformBuffer'.
<UniformBufferParams>GetParamsReturns a pointer to this object's <UniformBufferParams> object.
int32IsResidentReturns true if the uniform buffer is resident on the GPU.
int32SelectActivates the uniform buffer on the specified rendering device. This should be done before binding the uniform buffer.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<BlockParams>BlockReturns a pointer to the <UniformBufferNode> object's underlying <BlockParams> object.
<QualifierList>QualifierListReturns a pointer to the <UniformBufferNode> object's underlying <QualifierList> object.
<QualifierList>QualifierListReturns a pointer to the <ShaderBufferNode> object's <QualifierList> object.