<VariableArrayNode> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node » VariableNode » VariableArrayNode

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32AcquireSubscriptsCopies the subscripts from the source <VariableArrayNode> to this <VariableArrayNode>.
int32GetArrayAddressesPopulates a <StrList> object with variable names and array subscript addresses such as [0], [0][0], or [0][0][0], and so on.
int32GetBottomLevelArrayCountMultiplies all array subscript values, except the first subscript, and returns the values.
int32GetCountReturns the count of the underlying array object. Note that this does not return information about how the array is declared. For example, this function returns 4 for both of the following declarations: 'int i[2][2]' and 'int i[4]'.
int32GetMaxIndexReturns the max index value, which is expressed as ( array count - 1 ).
int32GetSubscriptCountReturns the subscript count. Note that this is a function, so unlike using .SubscriptCount, you can take a value here, but cannot accidentally modify anything.
int32GetSubscriptDimensionReturns the subscript dimension at the specified index. For example, int[2][3][4] has three subscripts with subscript dimension indices 0, 1, and 2. Querying subscript dimension 1 returns 3.
int32GetSubscriptsCopies the value of the array subscripts into the <Int32Array> submitted to this function. For example, a declaration of 'int my_int[2][3][4]' returns an <Int32Array> containing the values [2, 3, 4].
int32GetTopLevelArrayCountReturns the value of the first array subscript.
int32IsEmptyReturns true if the array count is zero. Otherwise returns false.
int32SetSubscriptDimensionSets the subscript dimension at the specified index. For example, int[2][3][4] has three subscripts with subscript dimension indices 0, 1, and 2. Setting subscript dimension 1 to the value 8 changes the declaration to int[2][8][4].
int32SetSubscriptsSets the array subscripts to the values of the <Int32Array> submitted to this function.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
int32CountGets or sets the current array count.
int32SubscriptCountGets or sets the number of array subscripts. For example: 1 declares an array such as int data[1], 2 declares an array such as int data[4][4]. Note that the number of subscripts is not the same as the subscript value, which must be set separately.