Unlock the Hidden Power of your GPU.
We make products that help you write software for GPU compute. Visual feedback, integrated debugging, and powerful ‘what you see is what you get’ approach will remove hours of stress and frustration from your life.
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How It Works
Design an OpenGL/GLSL workload, export the workload, and run on any supported target platform.

Seamless Export
The exporter seamlessly exports all the required nodes from the document to disk as binary files. The exporter also checks your document and exports all the C++ source code needed to run your workload as a standalone executable.
Full Source
You get the full Simdify Scripting Language source code for the exporter, and full C++ source code for the exported application, meaning you can make whatever changes you need.
Binary Data
Nodes such as textures and variables are exported as binary files, ensuring high performance loading. Each class has a ::Read method that you can inspect to learn about the memory layout of the object on disk.
Outside of any linker requirements, an exported application for any platform is completely standalone. You can use the application by itself, or pick and choose the source code you need to add GPU graphics and compute capabilities to your own applications.
Leverage C++ Standard Library
The exported engine is based on the C++ standard library, and uses common sense implementations. For example: most data storage uses std::vector, making it very easy for anyone with C++ experience to work with the source code.
Modern OpenGL
The exporter engine uses modern OpenGL features such as uniform buffers, shader buffers, and compute shaders.
The exporter comes with every product we make, including Simdify Free Edition. Note that the Simdify Free Edition license agreement allows personal use only — but it’s still an amazing way to get started.
Design, debug, and deploy GPU compute applications with ease!
Download Simdify Free Edition and see why it’s the easiest OpenGL experience on the planet.