Create New Application

NOTE: This exercise assumes you have completed the previous exercise.

In this exercise, you'll learn how to create a custom Scenome application named Octopus.

Start The Shell Application

  1. Start the Shell app. (Start » Programs » Scenomics » Shell) or (Windows® key and then type 'Shell' to find the app icon.)

    The application displays a splash screen and then the application desktop appears. The main menu is composed of three items that contain commands relevant to the current context (which is an empty document). The interface changes when you create a new file or load a file from disk.

    This is a picture of the desktop.

Get The Script Dictionary Path

  1. Examine the main menu and select File » Get Application Script Path from the listed options.

    The application displays a dialog that allows you to search for application scripts.

    This is a picture of the app script search box.
  2. Type app_service_dictionary_util.ssl in the text entry.

    Copy Text To Clipboard


    The script entry appears in the dialog.

  3. Left click the entry named app_service_dictionary_util.ssl and click OK or hit ENTER when you are finished.

    The application copies the path to this script to the Windows® clipboard.

Open The Dictionary Script

  1. Start a text editor of your choice and select the option to open a file from disk.

    We don't recommend using Window® Notepad for text editing. Although it will work, it doesn't support very many levels of undo. For this reason, we recommend Notepad++ at minimum. Sublime Text®, Visual Studio®, or Visual Studio Code® are far superior. You can mark Scenome Scripting Language .SSL files as C++ for great syntax highlighting too.

  2. Select CTRL + V to paste the dictionary file path (into the place in the dialog where you specify the file to open) and open the file.
  3. Open the file.

    The script appears in the text editor. We're only showing part of the script below.

    // $author           Scenomics LLC
    // $description      Implements functions that generate data dictionaries.
    // Copyright 2004-2021 Scenomics LLC. All Rights Reserved.
    library LibDict;
    import library "app_service_assert_util.ssl";
    import library "app_service_main_util.ssl";
    //import library "type_str_list_util.ssl";
    import library "type_service_enumeration_util.ssl";
    // function
    function int GetNodeLinkDataCaptureTypes( TypeInfoArray p_aoValues )
    p_aoValues.Add( NodeDataCaptureFilter );
    return p_aoValues.GetCount();
    // function
    function int GetVariableNodeDataCaptureTypes( TypeInfoArray p_aoValues )
    p_aoValues.Add( VariableNodeDataCaptureNode );
    return p_aoValues.GetCount();

Modify 'GetDataClasses' Function

  1. Use the text editor search feature to find the function GetDatabaseClasses.

    Copy Text To Clipboard


    Note that this is one of three functions that are used to map shell classes such as v0_shader or v1_shader to specific application folders and .scenomeapp files. These shell-to-class mappings are used by Scenome.exe to load the correct UI shell when files are opened.

    Each of these three functions populates a <StrList> object with strings. Before our modification, each function adds the same number of strings to each <StrList>, and after our modification each functions add two more strings to each <StrList>. These functions must always populate the <StrList> with the same number of strings.

  2. Replace the entire GetDatabaseClasses function with the following.

    There are two new lines at the end of the function body that add entries for v0_octopus and v1_octopus.

    Copy Text To Clipboard

    // function
    function int GetDatabaseClasses( StrList p_slValues )
    // Alphabetical order. Must match count of GetApplicationFolders().
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_avalanche" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_avalanche" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_compute" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_compute" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_graph" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_help" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_help" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_image" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_image" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_installer" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_installer" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_material" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_material" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_outline" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_outline" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_render" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_render" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_scene" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_scene" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_shader" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_shader" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_shell" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_shell" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_terrain" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_terrain" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v0_octopus" );
    p_slValues.Add( "v1_octopus" );
    return p_slValues.GetCount();
  3. Use the text editor to save the changes.

Modify 'GetApplicationFolders' Function

  1. Use the text editor search feature to find the function GetApplicationFolders.

    Copy Text To Clipboard


    Note that this is one of three functions that are used to map shell classes such as v0_shader or v1_shader to specific application folders and .scenomeapp files.

  2. Replace the entire GetApplicationFolders function with the following.

    There are two new lines at the end of the function body that add entries for the Octopus app folder we'll create.

    Copy Text To Clipboard

    // function
    function int GetApplicationFolders( StrList p_slValues )
    // Alphabetical order. Must match count of GetDatabaseClasses().
    p_slValues.Add( "Avalanche" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Avalanche" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Compute" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Compute" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Graph" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Help");
    p_slValues.Add( "Help");
    p_slValues.Add( "Image" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Image" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Installer" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Installer" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Material" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Material" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Outline" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Outline" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Render" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Render" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Scene" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Scene" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Shader" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Shader" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Shell" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Shell" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Terrain" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Terrain" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Octopus" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Octopus" );
    return p_slValues.GetCount();
  3. Use the text editor to save the changes.

Modify 'GetApplicationNames' Function

  1. Use the text editor search feature to find the function GetApplicationNames.

    Copy Text To Clipboard


    Note that this is one of three functions that are used to map shell classes such as v0_shader or v1_shader to specific application folders and .scenomeapp files.

  2. Replace the entire GetApplicationNames function with the following.

    There are two new lines at the end of the function body that add entries for the .scenomeapp app shell containers we'll create.

    Copy Text To Clipboard

    // function
    function int GetApplicationNames( StrList p_slValues )
    // Alphabetical order. Must match count of GetDatabaseClasses().
    p_slValues.Add( "Avalanche.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Avalanche_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Compute.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Compute_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Graph.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Help.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Help_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Image.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Image_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Installer.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Installer_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Material.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Material_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Outline.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Outline_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Render.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Render_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Scene.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Scene_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Shader.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Shader_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Shell.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Shell_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Terrain.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Terrain_v1.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Octopus.scenomeapp" );
    p_slValues.Add( "Octopus_v1.scenomeapp" );
    return p_slValues.GetCount();

    We've now successfully registered the new application shell classes, folders, and shell containers. While we could store application registration in configuration files on disk, we don't create applications very often. For that reason, it's easier to use code rather than configuration files.

  3. Use the text editor to save the changes.
  4. Leave the file open in the text editor.

Compile Scripts

  1. Return to the running Shell application.
  2. Select Desktop » Refresh Scripts from the main menu. ( ALT + D + R )

    The application displays script compiler messages in the output window:

    Start loading scripts
    Done loading scripts; 153 loaded in 13.29 ms; avg 0.09

    If there are any script compiler errors, go back to the previous exercise and follow the instructions again. Here is an example of what error messages might look like:

    Start loading scripts
    D:\release6\scripts\app_shell_util.ssl(1770) : syntax error: missing ')' before 'e'
    Done loading scripts; 153 loaded in 1.02 ms; avg 0.01

Create New Application

  1. Select File » New » Application from the main menu.

    The software displays a wizard that allows you to specify the parameters of your new application. You specify a small amount of initial information and the Shell app does the rest of the work involved in scaffolding your application.

    This is a picture of the new project dialog.
  2. Set the field named Company to your company name or to something like Octopus Software, Inc..

    Copy Text To Clipboard

    Octopus Software, Inc.
  3. Set the field named Author to your name (or something like Jane Snow or John Snow or whatever name you like).

    Copy Text To Clipboard

    Jane Snow

    Copy Text To Clipboard

    John Snow
  4. Set the field named Name to Octopus.

    Copy Text To Clipboard


    The name must be Octopus, including the capital O. Remember, above, we registered the term Octopus for the app name, the app containing folder, and the app shell containers.

  5. Set the field named Package to Scenome-Package-App-Octopus.

    Copy Text To Clipboard


    Feel free to use your own package name if you have a different convention.

  6. Hit ENTER or click OK when you are finished.

    The application creates a new shell document and the main menu options change. You can see the hierarchy on the left, the empty worksheet in the middle, and the property sheet on the right.

    This is a picture of the workspace.

    There are messages in the output window. Your file paths will specify a different directory, but the file names themselves will be the same and you will see the same number of files.

    --- <Executing Command 'AppShellCreateDocument'> ---
    Creating app shell documents:
    Creating app script documents:
    New shell successfully created!

    Let's quickly review the files that were created.

    Table 1.1. New Documents

    Document Description
    app_build.bat This contains a batch file for external-app-package.exe, which is a stand-alone executable that packages a variety of resources such as a splash screen, application icons, and application shell layout files into a file such as Octopus.scenomeapp. You can open this file with a text editor, but you don't have to edit it yourself. Stores a basic list of packages associated with an application. This allows code to know what packages are installed. You can open this file with the Outline app. Contains the Octopus app shell layout, which contains all the interface elements used by the Octopus application. This document is used to build the resources, such as .XML files, that describe the application's user interface. Once resources are built, the resources are packaged into a complete application such as Octopus.scenomeapp by the external-app-package.exe utility. You can open this file with the Shell app.
    Octopus.scenomeapp Contains an application definition, which includes splash screen, application icons, user interface layout descriptions, and keyboard accelerator bindings. All .scenomeapp files are generated by external-app-package.exe. This is the application that is started when you start the Octopus app from the start menu. You can open this file with with a text editor, but you don't have to edit or manage it yourself. This contains the default document that the user sees when they start the Octopus app. It's important that this document contains as little content as possible. It definitely should not contain any content that requires file path resolution because all default documents are unsaved when you start a Scenome application, and there is no way to resovle any relative file paths.
    octopus.ico Contains the Octopus app icons used to represent the Octopus app in the Windows® user interface. There are two icons contained in this file: a 32×32 pixel version and 16×16 pixel version. These icons appear when you use ALT+TAB to switch between applications, and in the upper left corner of the application window. These icons are not used to show which files .BOX are used by the Octopus application. All .BOX files used the standard Scenome .BOX icon, and all .BOX files can be opened in any Scenome application. You can edit these files in programs such as Microsoft® Visual Studio or GIMP®. Please note that these files must be saved as 24-bit.
    octopus_splash.bmp Contains the Octopus app splash screen. This is the graphic that appears when the Octopus app starts. You can edit this in program such as Adobe® PhotoShop or GIMP®. Please note that this file must be saved as 24-bit Windows® .BMP file with no alpha channel.
    Octopus_v1.scenomeapp Contains an application definition, which includes splash screen, application icons, user interface layout descriptions, and keyboard accelerator bindings. All .scenomeapp files are generated by external-app-package.exe. This is the application that is started when you double click a .BOX file that specifies the v1 shell in the document root node properties. In addition, when you have Octopus.scenomeapp running, and you open a file, the application switches to use this shell. You can open this file with with a text editor, but you don't have to edit or manage it yourself.
    v0_scripts.xml The Octopus app has two shells, referred to as v0_octopus and v1_octopus. The v0_octopus shell is stored in Octopus.scenomeapp, and the v1_shell is stored in Octopus_v1.scenomeapp. This is the list of Scenome Scripting Language script files that must be loaded and compiled when Octopus.scenomeapp starts. You can open this file with with a text editor, but you don't have to edit or manage it yourself.
    v0_octopus.xml This contains the interface layout used by Octopus.scenomeapp. It contains an XML description of the user interface, including all menus, context menus, toolbars, dockbars, and keyboard accelerators. You can open this file with with a text editor, but you don't have to edit or manage it yourself.
    v1_scripts.xml The Octopus app has two shells, referred to as v0_octopus and v1_octopus. The v0_octopus shell is stored in Octopus.scenomeapp, and the v1_shell is stored in Octopus_v1.scenomeapp. This is the list of Scenome Scripting Language script files that must be loaded and compiled when Octopus_v1.scenomeapp starts. You can open this file with with a text editor, but you don't have to edit or manage it yourself.
    v1_octopus.xml This contains the interface layout used by Octopus_v1.scenomeapp. It contains an XML description of the user interface, including all menus, context menus, toolbars, dockbars, and keyboard accelerators. You can open this file with with a text editor, but you don't have to edit or manage it yourself.
    app_octopus_create_document_scripts.ssl This is a script macro library that contains a Scenome command macro that will run when the user creates a new document.
    app_octopus_create_document_util.ssl This is a script function library that contains functions that are used by Scenome command macros in app_octopus_create_document_scripts.ssl.
    app_octopus_scripts.ssl This is a script macro library that contains a Scenome command macro that builds an Octopus app file when the user selects Graph » Build All from the main menu in the Octopus app. This will also contain other Scenome command macros used only by the Octopus application.
    app_octopus_util.ssl This is a script function library that contains functions that are used by the Scenome command macros in app_octopus_scripts.ssl.

    We'll implement initial features in the four app script documents described above, but first let's take a look at the document itself.

Examine The Document

  1. Expand nodes in the hierarchy until you can see the following: This is a picture of the hierarchy.

    The <ApplicationConfigNode> named Interface contains two <AppScaffoldNode> objects named Octopus that define the UI shells used by the application. Each shell is indicated by v0 and v1. In this case the application has two primary states: there is a simple UI for when the application starts, but a document is not open (v0), and a more complex UI with more options for when a document is open (v1).

    For now we won't go into the shell layouts in too much detail. Generally you won't have to make many changes to this document until you need to add menu options or change command menus.

  2. Select File » Save from the main menu.

Modify Icon and Splash Screen Resources

  1. Examine the hierarchy and right click over the first <AppScaffoldNode> named Octopus. This is a picture of the hierarchy.
  2. Select Open Folder... from the listed options.

    The software opens the folder that contains the application shell resources.

    This is a picture of the folder that contains the Octopus app.
  3. Right click on the following link and select Save Link As (or use a similar command) to save the new application splash screen to your downloads folder:

    Right click here to download the new application splash screen.

  4. Use CTRL + C and CTRL + V to copy the new application splash screen from your download folder to the application resources folder we just opened.

    Say Yes when Windows asks you if you wish to overwrite the existing file.

  5. Right click on the following link and select Save Link As (or use a similar command) to save the new application icon to your downloads folder:

    Right click here to download the new application icon.

  6. Use CTRL + C and CTRL + V to copy the new application icon from your download folder to the application resources folder we just opened.

    Say Yes when Windows asks you if you wish to overwrite the existing file.

Build The Application

  1. Examine the main menu and select Graph » Build All from the listed options.

    The software builds the application and displays build information in the output window. You'll temporarily see a Windows Command Shell appear when the External-AppPackage.exe runs.

    --- <Building Project 'D:\Release6\Content\Applications\Octopus\'> ---
    Performing manual lookup: D:\release6\scripts\app_octopus_create_document_scripts.ssl
    Performing manual lookup: D:\release6\scripts\app_octopus_scripts.ssl
    Unable to find command by GUID for '/Interface/Octopus/v0/Main Menu/Menu Bar/  &File  /CreateOctopusDocument' in document: D:\Release6\Content\Applications\Octopus\
    It's possible that this command has not been added to the command dictionary, and that a manual lookup was already performed.
    Unable to find command by GUID for '/Interface/Octopus/v0/Main Menu/Menu Bar/  &File  /&Open...' in document: D:\Release6\Content\Applications\Octopus\
    It's possible that this command has not been added to the command dictionary, and that a manual lookup was already performed.
    Successfully refreshed 633 <ItemElementNode> objects.
    Wrote the interface definition to disk at the following location: D:\release6\content\applications\octopus\v0_octopus.xml
    Performing manual lookup: D:\release6\scripts\app_octopus_scripts.ssl
    Unable to find command by GUID for '/Interface/Octopus/v1/Main Menu/Menu Bar/  Gr&aph  /&Build All' in document: D:\Release6\Content\Applications\Octopus\
    It's possible that this command has not been added to the command dictionary, and that a manual lookup was already performed.
    Successfully refreshed 4411 <ItemElementNode> objects.
    Wrote the interface definition to disk at the following location: D:\release6\content\applications\octopus\v1_octopus.xml
    Saved the interface definition and wrote build script entry for the following application: 'Octopus'
    Saved the interface definition and wrote build script entry for the following application: 'Octopus'
    Ran the build script at the following location: D:\Release6\Content\Applications\Octopus\app_build.bat ( via shell execute ).

Run The Application

  1. Examine the hierarchy right click over the <ApplicationConfigNode> named Interface. This a picture of the hierarchy.
  2. Select Run Application from the listed options.

    The software displays the splash screen and the application starts. Now you're running in true Octopus style!

    This a picture of the Octopus app.

    We successfully created a new application shell. It has a custom splash screen and icons, along with a basic main menu and commands.

Test The New Document Command

  1. Select Desktop » Clear Output from the main menu.
  2. Select File » New » New Document from the main menu.

    The command displays a message at the bottom of the output window.

    Executed document create command.

    The new application shell is complete. The create command doesn't do anything useful yet, but it does work correctly. In the next exercise, we'll modify the create command to create a new document.

    This exercise is complete. Please proceed to the next exercise.